
Home » Birding Locations » Baker County » East County

Love Reservoir

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Snake River Homestead Road

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Virtue Flat OHV Area

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Balm Creek Reservoir

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New Bridge/Eagle Creek Road/Sparta Road

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Snake River Oxbow Reservoir/Hwy 71

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National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center

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On your way to this site, stop in at the Bishop Springs Rest Stop for a quick look for Rock Wrens and Bullock’s Orioles. Twenty-three miles east of the interpretive center and 11 miles west of Richland is Hole-in-theWall Gulch. Look for the Landslide Interpretive sign. The birding area is below the sign on the Powder River. You can drive down to this area by using the old stretch of abandoned highway downhill (east) from the interpretive overlook that runs a short distance before stopping at the landslide.


Habitat and Birds

Upland sage and riparian vegetation. Yellow-breasted Chats like this area as do Gray Catbirds, Rock Wrens and Bullock’s Orioles. Look and listen for Gray Partridge and Chukar.
