NF 430 Off Skyliners Road
From Downtown Bend, take NW Riverside Blvd southwest as it winds around Drake Park. Turn right (west) on NW Galveston and cross the Deschutes River. Continue on Galveston for about 10 blocks and it will become Skyliners Road around 17th Street. From 17th continue west for 9.6 miles and look for NF 430 on your left.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
This area consists of mixed forest of various evergreens. The 430 Road is good for summer species like Common Poorwill, Northern Pygmy-owl, Flammulated Owl, Canada Jay, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Pileated Woodpecker, Red Crossbill, MacGillivray’s Warbler, Western Tanager, and other forest nesters. In winter, this has been a real hotspot for forest finches including Common Redpoll, Pine Siskin, Pine Grosbeak, Evening Grosbeak, Cassin’s Finch, White-winged Crossbill.