Rock Creek Reservoir

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Tygh Valley

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To reach Rock Creek Reservoir from Hwy 26 near Clear Lake, take Forest Road 43 (3.7 miles south of the Clear Lake Road) for 5.8 miles to the 48 Road. Take the 48 Road south and then east for 15 miles to Rock Creek Reservoir. From Hwy 197 at Tygh Valley, take Wamic Market Road to Wamic and Rock Creek Road from Wamic to Rock Creek Reservoir. The total distance from the highway is 11.8 miles.


Habitat and Birds

This mountain lake is surrounded by marshy areas and ponderosa pine. It is located near the pine-sage transition zone so it can be quite active. Birds that are expected here include Common Loon, Varied Thrush, White-headed Woodpecker, Western Wood-Pewee, and MacGillivray’s Warbler.
