North Powder Ponds
There are two ponds called North Powder Pond #1 and North Powder Pond #2. North Powder Pond #2 is technically in Union County but both will be addressed here. To find Pond #1, take exit 285 and go to the west side of the freeway. Take Hwy 30 south for 0.9 miles and look for a dirt road to your right (also signed). Take this road to Pond #1. To find Pond #2, return to the freeway exit on Hwy 30 and take Hwy 237 west. Travel 4 miles on this road to a left turn (south) onto Ellis Road. The pond is just 0.5 miles south on Ellis Road.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
Snow Goose, Canada Goose, Trumpeter Swan, Tundra Swan, Eurasian Wigeon, a dozen other duck species, grebes, Great Egret, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Spotted Sandpiper, Western Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, several species of gull, and a few others might be found here.