Silver Lake
The town of Silver Lake can be productive as it boasts many large trees. Check this area in winter for winter specialties. East of town, there are two roads that travel north. Both can be productive in spring for Sandhill Crane, curlews and raptors. The USFS Headquarters in Silver Lake is located on the west end of town. The grounds can be very productive in the spring and fall. Please do not go into the private areas as many people live, at least part-time here. There is an extensive cottonwood grove west of the main buildings which may produce migrants and vagrants. In winter, don’t forget the cemetery on the east edge of town. Redpolls have been noted there.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
Wetlands and dry sagebrush. Birds seen in this area include White-faced Ibis, Northern Harrier, Wilson’s Phalarope, Forster’s Tern, Long-eared Owl, Western Scrub Jay, Pinyon Jay, Mountain Chickadee, Gray Flycatcher, Townsend’s Solitaire, Brewer’s Sparrow, Cassin’s Finch, and many more