Scappoose Waste Treatment Pond and Kessi Pond

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Scappoose Bottoms Honeyman Road

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A parking area is located next to a pretty useless observation platform 1.0 miles east of Hwy 30 on Columbia Ave.


Habitat and Birds

The pond to the north is marshier than Kessi pond to the south. It tends to hold a different set of birds. This area is good for ducks, geese and swans in the winter, and Green Herons are regular in the spring. Rarities include Black Pheobe and American Tree Sparrow. The area is pretty good for migrant and breeding passerines in the willows and cottonwoods along the road. The cottonwoods have hosted most of the woodpeckers. Kessi pond is getting harder to scan as vegetation grows in along the road. Great Horned Owls have nested in the woods to the north.
