Waterman Road

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Dollarhide Pond

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Fopiano Reservoir

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John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Painted Hills Unit

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Travel 8.4 miles east of Mitchell to Waterman Road for the stretch between Hwy 26 and “downtown” Waterman which is just an old hay shed that the years and weather have not been kind to. The road becomes Parish Creek Road after that.


Habitat and Birds

The road is amazing for the numbers of Mountain Bluebirds and Yellow-rumped Warblers moving through the sagebrush during fall migration, in mid-September. This is also a reliable area for Vesper and Brewers Sparrows, as well as other sparrows. Listen for Wilson’s Snipe in the riparian area near Highway 26. Look for Sage Thrasher, Townsend’s Solitaire and Loggerhead Shrike.  A Scrub Jay once appeared in the patch of junipers before Fopiano Reservoir.

