Mecca Flats

Home » Birding Locations » Jefferson County » Madras North & East

Madras Sewage Ponds

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Warm Springs Museum

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Warm Springs Boat Ramp

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Ashwood Area

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Little Willow Creek Reservoir

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Buck Butte and Madras East

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Brewer Reservoir

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Olallie Lake

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Dry Creek Campground

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Agency Plains

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Pelton Dam and Reregulation Dam Overlook

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From Warm Springs, travel east towards Madras on Hwy 26. Cross the Deschutes River bridge and make an immediate left turn on NE Mecca Road. Bird slowly along the Deschutes River for 1.3 miles to the campground.

Once in the campground, bird the large trees. Then walk the trail along the river to the NE. This trail goes several miles to Trout Creek Camp- ground and gives a most extensive access to the Deschutes River.

(This area is part of the Madras Christmas Bird Count)


Habitat and Birds

Orioles, warblers, Song Sparrows, Belted Kingfisher, both goldeneyes, Buffleheads, Hooded and Common Mergansers, Black-capped Chickadees, Rock Wren, Canyon Wren, House Wren, Pacific Wren, Marsh Wren, and Chukar are but a few of the species that can bee seen in this hot birding spot.
