Luscher Farms, Cooks Butte, Stevens Meadows

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Luscher Farm: From I-205, take Exit 3 (Stafford Rd/Lake Oswego) and go N for 2 mi to Rosemont Rd. Turn R on Rosemont Rd. The driveway to the Luscher Farm house, barn and gardens is the first L on Rosemont Rd.

Cooks ButteStevens Meadow: From I-205, take Exit 3 (Stafford Rd/Lake Oswego) and go N for 2 mi to Rosemont Rd. At the traffic circle, go L onto Atherton Dr. Turn R into the parking area for Stevens Meadows. Or, from Hwy 43 (State St), take McVey/Stafford Rd to Atherton Dr. Turn R on Atherton. Turn L into the parking area at Stevens Meadow.



Habitat and Birds

Mixed forest with Douglas-fir and bigleaf maple shades the slopes of Cooks Butte, an extinct volcano that rises to 718 ft. Look for Steller’s Jay, Downy Woodpecker, Bewick’s Wren, Brown Creeper and wintering Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Check around the grassy bald at the top for spring migrant warblers. Raptors hunt over Stevens Meadow on the flanks of the butte. Nearby Luscher Farm is a Clackamas County historic site. Community gardens, grassy fields and fencerows host Golden-crowned, White-crowned, and Lincoln’s Sparrows in winter. Sage Thrasher appeared here once in migration. A paved path along the south side of Luscher Farm crosses Stafford Rd to the W and connects to Stevens Meadow and Cooks Butte.
