Little Crater Lake

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Wildwood Recreation Area

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Clackamas Lake Historic Ranger Station

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Timothy Lake

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Abbott Burn

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Timberline Lodge

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About 2.0 miles east of the Clear Lake turnoff on Hwy 26, turn right ono NF 42 Skyline Rd.  Head southwest on NF-42/Oregon Skyline Rd. for 4.1 mi. and Turn right onto S-457 Rd/58/Abbott Rd.  Drive for 0.9 mi. and keep right to continue on Abbott Rd/NF-58.  Go 1.5 mi. and turn left.  Drive 0.2 mi. to the lake.


Habitat and Birds

This is a good place to see Common nighthawks and Vaux’s Swifts in the summer months.  Wilson’s Snipe are often seen and heard doing their display flights.  Osprey and belted Kingfisher can often fish this lake.  Flycatchers include Hammond’s, Dusky, Willow, Olive-sided, Pacific-slope, and Western Wood-pewee.  Keep an eye and ear out for roaming bands of Canada Jay.  Golden-crowned Kinglet, Red-breasted Nuthatch and Brown Creeper are pretty abundant in the surrounding forest.  Swainson’s Thrushes nest here, and you can often find Red Crossbills and Pine Siskins high in the trees.  Common Yellowthroat, Yellow-rumped, and Yellow are the common warblers here, but you can find Hermits and Townsend’s as well.  Listen for the robin-like song of the Westen Tanager.
