Contact Us

Tumalo State Park
Tom Crabtree

Interested in contacting the East Cascades Bird Alliance?
We love hearing from folks who enjoy wild birds – whether they are novices or experts – as well as members or potential members!

For general information, including membership, program and event questions, and volunteering and project opportunities, please use the contact form below:

Contact Us

Contact Form

"*" indicates required fields

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

Here are other ways you can reach ECBA:

By USPS mail: P.O. Box 565, Bend, OR 97709
By phone: 541-241-2190

To express interest in volunteering, fill out the form found here.

ECBA Board of Directors’ Meetings

Board meetings are the first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. and, until further notice, are held via Zoom. They are open to the public. Please use the contact form above to ask for the Zoom link. Board minutes are posted on our website after their approval at the following month’s Board meeting.

ECBA Birders’ Nights

Birders’ Nights are usually held at the Bend Environmental Center on the third Thursday of most months at 7 p.m.. Currently they are being held both in person and via Zoom. Please use the contact form above to ask for the Zoom link

. Check out the upcoming program schedule and topics here.