3 Forks Area Owyhee River Loop
To get to Three Forks from Burns Junction, go east on highway 95 for 30.5 miles to mile post 36. This is 16 miles west of Jordan Valley. Go south on a dirt road. The road is normally in good shape but can become impassable after rain. Bear right at a signed junction at 27.6 miles. In another 2.7 miles you will reach the edge of the Owyhee canyon. This is as far as most passenger cars will make it. The last 1.5 miles to the river goes down a steep rocky grade that is best driven in a high clearance vehicle. This loop can be run from Jordan valley and south along the Idaho border. There are good stands of Aspen here. To access this location from Jordan Valley, you can drive east on Yturri Blvd, past the Idaho border, and south on Pleasant Valley Road. You will be in Idaho for about 13 miles but will eventually come back to Oregon. Follow the signs to 3 Forks. Watch for Greater Sage-Grouse along this drive as they nest here.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
This is dry canyon country and dry canyon species can be expected. Watch for White-throated Swift, Chukar, and Canyon Wren. Several locations harbor Lazuli Bunting and Yellow-breasted Chat.
Nearby Birding Locations
- Burns Junction
- Batch Lake
- Jordan Valley
- Arock
- Little Grassy Reservoir
- Rock House Reservoir
- McDermitt
- Dinwitty Lane and Wroten Road
- Whitehorse Road
- Oregon Canyon Road and Oregon Canyon Mountains
- Rome & Owyhee River
- Crooked Creek Wayside
- Cow Lakes
- Bogus Lakes
- Bone Creek Canyon (Sheephead Mountains) & Crooked Creek Reservoir
- Danner Loop Road
- Basque
- Antelope Reservoir