Agency Plains

Home » Birding Locations » Jefferson County » Madras North & East

Pelton Dam and Reregulation Dam Overlook

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Warm Springs Boat Ramp

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Ashwood Area

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Olallie Lake

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Dry Creek Campground

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Mecca Flats

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Buck Butte and Madras East

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Brewer Reservoir

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Madras Sewage Ponds

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Little Willow Creek Reservoir

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Warm Springs Museum

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This is an area of agricultural lands north of Madras between Hwy 97 and Hwy 26. There are many access roads.


Habitat and Birds

In the summer Swainson’s Hawks are present and are replaced in the winter by other raptors including Rough Legged Hawks.  This area is good for wintering flocks of Sparrows, Pipits and Horned Larks. The occasional Lap- land Longspur can be found mixed in with them.  A few Long-billed Curlews  visit this area every spring. This was the last stronghold for Gray Partridge in Central Oregon. It is rarely seen now.
