Anderson Road Swale

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Molalla River State Park

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Travel SW out of downtown Canby on Hwy 99E for approximately 1.7miles to S. Barlow Road. Turn right (N) and travel .1 miles to S Anderson Rd. Turn left (W) and begin birding. Anderson Rd ends in 1.3 miles at the Pudding River.

After birding S Anderson Rd, one may bird their way back to Canby by returning to S Barlow Rd and turning left (N). Turning right (E) on Knights Bridge Rd will bring you back to Canby through riparian strips and open farmland to give you a varied birding experience.


Habitat and Birds

S Anderson Rd is surrounded by open pastures and farmland, with small patches of berries and other low vegetation, seasonal wetlands and ponds. It offers good birding at any time of year, but especially shines in winter, when huge flocks of waterfowl utilize the area. Most common and large flocks of Cackling and Canada Geese, with Snows and White-fronted Geese sometimes present. Tundra and Trumpeter (rare) Swans have been observed. Scan the American Wigeon flocks for the occasional Eurasian. Although the ponds are often dry in the fall, shorebirds including Semipalmated Plover, and sandpipers (mostly Western and Least, but occasionally Solitary) can be found in the spring. Hawks, falcons and Bald Eagles are regular. Scan trees and other perches in winter for Northern Shrike (rare). Black Phoebe is regular. This area has generated the third highest species list on eBird for the county so you should be sure to check it out. See the checklist for other possible species. Note: Please be considerate of the residents — park on the side of the road, do not trespass into any farmland, and when possible, try to avoid parking directly in front of houses (especially toward the end of the road). 


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