Angel’s Rest & Benson State Recreational Area

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From I-84 eastbound, take exit 28 (Bridal Veil).  Angel’s Rest trailhead is near the exit.  Benson State Park is 2 miles East.

From I-84 westbound, take exit 35 (Ainsworth State Park) 5 miles on Historic Columbia River Hwy to Benson and 7 miles to Angel’s Rest.

geographic coordinates Angel’s Rest Trail 45°33’36.9″N 122°10’22.0″W (45.560241, -122.172778) Benson State Park 45°34’36.4″N 122°07’40.5″W (45.576777, -122.127931)

Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website. Choose the Cascades Birding Trail. Then choose the Mt. Hood Loop Guide.  Section 1.


Habitat and Birds

Angel’s Rest trail is a steep climb (1476′ elevation gain in 2.2 miles) through varied woodland habits to a rock promontory with great views overlooking the Columbia River.  Birds along the way include Sooty and Ruffed Grouse, Gray Jay, Swainson’s Thrush and Pacific Wren.  Off the path is a rocky slope where Pika can sometimes be seen and heard.

Benson has lowland riparian forest around a lake with various ducks in winter and sometimes Tundra Swan; and in summer Warbling Vireo and Bullock’s Oriole.
