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Banks-Vernonia State Trail

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(Vernonia Trailhead) 45°51’21.5″N 123°11’36.8″W (45.855975, -123.193548) (Banks Trailhead) 45°37’20.2″N 123°06’51.2″W (45.622275, -123.114210)

This 21 mile “biking trail” follows an abandoned railroad bed between Banks and Vernonia. The northern 6 miles of the trail are in Columbia County. There are several trailheads (see “Birding Map of Area” link). You can access the trail on the south edge of Vernonia, at the Beaver Cr. Trailhead, at the Tophill Trailhead, at the Buxton Trailhead, at the Manning Trailhead, or at the Banks Trailhead (a map showing all these trailheads can be downloaded at Banks-Vernonia State Trail).


Habitat and Birds

This trail is best explored by bicycle. Most of the trail is in the shade. This is an easy way of getting drive-by singing Black-headed Grosbeak, Warbling Vireo, Wilson’s and Black-throated Gray Warbler, Swainson’s Thrush, Savannah Sparrow, and others while also getting a workout at the same time. A Cassin’s Vireo was observed singing in 2009 at the Buxton trailhead. The area around Stub Stewart State Park is good for Northern Pygmy Owl. Common Nighthawk is also a possibility here.


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