Basser Diggins CG Big Lookout Mt.

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From I-84 at Durkee cross under I-84 onto the Manning Basin Rd. heading east. Drive northeast 13 miles to Basser Diggins Campground. This BLM campground is atop Big Lookout Mountain (7120′) and the view is spectacular!


Habitat and Birds

The habitat is a mix of Western Juniper, Douglas Fir, Aspen and bitter brush. This is a very isolated birding experience, as there are very few people in this area. The birding is never dull, as there are very unique plant communities in this area. Green-tailed Towhees, Gray Flycatchers, Red-naped Sapsucker, Dusky Flycatchers, Brewers Sparrows and Cassin’s Vireo have been seen here along with Cassin’s Finch. The area is seldom birded and should be looked over in late spring through October. Looks like an outstanding fall raptor passage site. This is a fair weather road and should never be attempted in winter with snow on the ground. Because this is a high elevation site be prepared for unexpected weather in the summer.


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