Batch Lake

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3 Forks Area Owyhee River Loop

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Batch Lake is on the west edge of the two big Cow Lakes. To access it, take Hwy east out of Jordan Valley. About five miles out, take Danner Road as if you were going to Cow Lakes. Anawalt Road branches from Danner Road and takes you to Cow Lakes. 4.7 miles from the junction of Danner and Anawalt, there is a dirt road that heads east. This is West Cow Lakes Road which goes north and a bit west to Batch Lake.


Habitat and Birds

Habitat and Birds: This is a small lake just west of Lower Cow Lake. Shallow water and marshy areas attract plenty of shorebirds and waders along with other marsh lovers. American Bittern has nested here but not recently. Keep your eyes open for it though. Ducks are common here. A very rare Harlequin Duck was found one fall. Sandhill Cranes can be found here along with Black-crowned Night-heron. A Snowy Plover was found here in 1977. Black-necked Stilt and American Avocet are commonly found at this lake and an occasional Marbled Godwit is possible. (Contreras and Kindschy, OFO Publication #8)
