Bear Creek Greenway

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Bear Creek Greenway website

Bear Creek Greenway map

ASHLAND (42.212623, -122.712291) – This section of the greenway lies between Oak St. in Ashland and Valley View Road in Talent. To access this section, take exit 19 from I-5 and go south on Valley View Road. At Hwy 99, turn left and drive into Ashland. In the middle of town, turn left on Oak Street and follow it north for about a mile to Nevada Street. Turn left on Nevada and drive 0.1 miles. Turn right opposite Helman Street onto a one-lane paved road that leads to the dog park (no sign). Parking is available at the dog park and the paved trail starts here. The trail goes past the city waste treatment facility and then winds 2 miles along Bear Creek to Valley View Road. There is a good pond just past the building materials yard that is good for waterfowl.

TALENT – This section of the greenway lies between Lynn Newbry Park and Valley View Road in Talent. This wheelchair accessible path goes for 2 miles along Bear Creek and the birding is great. To access this stretch of the path, take exit 19 from I-5 and go south on Valley View Road. Turn right at the light (Hwy 99) and drive about 1 mile to the parking area on the right. Take the trail from here. You can access this stretch from Newbry Park as well. See directions for this access in the Newbry section below. Source: OFO Publication No. 19, Guide to Birds of the Rogue Valley, Massey & Vroman.

CENTRAL POINT – Go out East Pine Street In Central Point over I-5 to the Pilot Station which lies along the west side of Bear Creek and the Bear Creek Greenway (42.378531, -122.898892). There is an undeveloped parking lot on the north side of Pine Street. Park on the east side of the lot, there is a trail leading down to the paved Greenway. Follow the Greenway south under the Pine Street Bridge, the trail is a double lane paved bike trail. The trail goes through hardwood riparian woods, sometimes breaking out into open fields, and passing by some swampy ground. The Kiosk looking over Mingus Pond (42.368843, -122.891001) is about 1.5 miles south and provides good views of waterfowl at close range. One can also pickup a trail that goes around the east side of the pond and ties back into the greenway about 3/4 mile north.


Habitat and Birds

Bear Creek runs from Ashland to Central Point with a virtually unbroken paved path the whole way. Lush riparian growth mixes with oak woodlands to offer a good sampler of Southern Oregon habitats. This is a wonderful place to find a cross-section of Jackson County Birds and a perfect “first stop” if you have never birded Jackson County before. Acorn Woodpeckers, California Towhees, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Oak Titmouse are just a few of the over 100 species you can find on this path. Others to be expected would include Pied-billed Grebe, Green Heron, Wood Duck, Osprey, Cooper’s Hawk, Ring-necked Pheasant, Virginia Rail, Anna’s Hummingbird, Belted Kingfisher, Downy Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Black Phoebe, 6 species of swallow, Empid flycatchers, Oak Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch, House and Marsh Wren, Wrentit, Cedar Waxwing, MacGillivray’s Warbler, California Towhee, Lincoln Sparrow, Purple Finch, and Lesser Goldfinch. Not so common are sightings of Eurasian Wigeon, American Bittern, Peregrine Falcon, Sora, Cassin’s Vireo, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Lazuli Bunting, and Tricolored Blackbird.

Source: OFO Publication No. 19, Guide to Birds of the Rogue Valley, Massey & Vroman.


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