Bridge Creek Road

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Mitchell (Town)

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Painted Cove Trail - Painted Hills Unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument

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John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Painted Hills Unit

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Painted Cove (No public access)

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This road offers good general birding and is located 4 miles NW of Mitchell off of Highway 26. This is the main access road to the Painted Hills John Day Fossil Beds National Monument which is 6 miles up the road. The road itself continues several more miles north. Habitat includes riparian areas, steep cliffs and farmland.


Habitat and Birds

Some of the species seen along the road include Ross’s Goose, Spotted Sandpiper, Loggerhead Shrike, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Norther Rough-winged Swallow, Bank Swallow, Bushtit, Lark Sparrow, and Bullock’s Oriole. Look for raptors, too.
