Brookings State Parks

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Harris Beach State Park

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Lone Ranch State Wayside

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Chetco Estuary

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Crissey Field State Recreation Site – Oregon Welcome Center

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Chetco River Don Cameron Bridge

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Winchuck River Area

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Brookings is 28.1 miles south of Gold Beach on Highway 101. It is 26 miles north of Crescent City, CA.

Alfred Loeb State Park (42.110919, -124.187054) is 7.4 miles up the North Bank of the Chetco River. From Brookings at Highway 101 and 5th Street, travel 0.8 miles south on Hwy 101 to North Bank Chetco River Road. Turn left (east) and travel 7.4 miles to Loeb State Park. The entrance is on the right (east). Known for it’s Myrtlewood and Redwood forests, this park provides Chetco River access, a nature trail, campsites and several rental cabins.

Redwood Nature Trail (42.118765, -124.195756) on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest is 0.6 miles further north on North Bank Chetco River Road from Loeb State Park. You can also walk 0.5 miles on the Riverview Trail from Loeb State Park to access the Redwood Nature Trail. The Redwood Nature Trail is a 1.1 mile loop.

Travel from Highway 101 and 5th St in Brookings 3.2 miles north on Hwy 101 to the southern entrance to the Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor. The Corridor extends for 11.2 miles north along the highway with access points to the Oregon Coast Trail in various spots. There are also many viewpoints along the trail, including House Rock Viewpoint and Whalehead Viewpoint. Tide Pools are abundant here and rocky shore birding is good.

For an ocean view, try Harris Beach State Park (42.065600, -124.306159). From Brookings at Highway 101 and 5th St, drive north 1.2 miles on Hwy 101. The entrance to Harris Beach State Park is on the left (west) side of the highway. This park and campground are great for viewing alcids on Goat Rock. Puffins, guillemots, and murres nest on the rock as do others. Allen’s Hummingbirds can be found on the brushy slopes between the access road and the beach.



Habitat and Birds

Many of these parks have beautiful gardens that attract hummingbirds and migrating warblers. If you are in forested areas, look and listen for Golden-crowned Kinglets and Pacific-slope Flycatchers. Northern Pygmy-Owls can be found in these areas if you are diurnal. Nocturnal searches can produce other owl species. Check the beaches for Elegant Terns in late summer and fall.


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