Buck Butte and Madras East

Home » Birding Locations » Jefferson County » Madras North & East

Brewer Reservoir

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Madras Sewage Ponds

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Dry Creek Campground

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Olallie Lake

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Agency Plains

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Little Willow Creek Reservoir

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Mecca Flats

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Ashwood Area

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Warm Springs Boat Ramp

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Warm Springs Museum

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Pelton Dam and Reregulation Dam Overlook

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This area can be accessed from several locations. One common way is to travel east on B St. from Hwy 97 in Madras. This road becomes the Ashwood Road and can be followed all the way to Ashwood. From Highway 97, you can also access the area using “C” St. in Madras and traveling east on the Grizzly Road or you can enter using Loucks Road north of the intersection of Highways 97 and 26. Once you enter the area east of Madras, carefully assess road conditions. Hereford, Loucks, and Dover Ln. are good for passenger cars. Other side roads may require 4-wheel drive. Make several loops from road to road. There is quite a diverse habitat set here and the birding can be very productive.


Habitat and Birds

Desert species like Sage Thrasher, Brewer’s Sparrow, Northern Shrike, and Sagebrush Sparrow can be found. The Gray Flycatcher can be found in Juniper stands and Canyon Wrens are common in the rimrock areas. Look for Lazuli Bunting along NFD ll76. Virginia Rail and Bullock’s Oriole are found on the same road. Northern Mockingbird has been recorded in this area several times. Cassin’s Finches and Common Nighthawks nest in the area. Raptors include Prairie Falcons and Swainson’s Hawks.
