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Buena Vista Ponds and Overlook

Home » Birding Locations » Harney County » Central/lower Refuge




Buena Vista is a large complex of ponds and marshlands, along with a high overlook that offers a panoramic view of the Blitzen Valley.

To get here, drive Oregon Highway 205 south from the Narrows for 16 miles. You will see some large poplars on your left and what looks like a ranch house. This is Buena Vista. There are two destinations here with distinctly different habitats:

1. From the entrance road, a dirt road heads uphill past a rest area 0.7 miles to a rock outcrop that provides a spectacular view.

2. Or continue straight on the main road to access the ponds themselves. Drive 1.8 through the wetlands to the Center Patrol Road.


Habitat and Birds

1. the rock outcrop: Drive up the side of Buena Vista Butte and park at the small parking lot at the top, then walk a short trail to the rock outcrop. There is an interpretive sign at a developed overlook here, with a spectacular view of the ponds and valley below. This is a great place to find Canyon Wrens, Black-throated Sparrows and a variety of lizards. Wetland birds can be seen and heard in the distance below.

1. the wetlands: Return to the entrance and take the main road east along the ponds. Waders, dabblers, shorebirds and marsh birds abound if water levels are up.

