Bully Creek Reservoir
Travel seven miles west of Vale on Hwy 20 to Graham Blvd. Turn right (north) and travel five miles to Bully Creek Road. The reservoir is 3.5 miles north on this road. Make sure you check the campground for passerines. The road goes around the north side of the reservoir and offers good viewing with a scope. The east end of the reservoir is shallow and has good vegetation. Follow the creek for as long as you like, birding along the way.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
The campground and riparian areas provide opportunities for viewing migrating birds (eBird Hotspot Checklist for Bully Creek CG). In the spring, fall, and winter you may see loons, grebes, ducks, and hawks. This may be the best place in the county to search for Western and Clark’s Grebes. American White Pelicans can often be found in summer. Check the red, rocky areas for Golden Eagle and Canyon Wren. Rare birds here include Pacific Loon, Sanderling, Sharptailed Sand- piper, Pectoral Sandpiper, Short-billed Dowitcher, Red-necked Phalarope, Franklin’s Gull, Thayer’s Gull, Common Tern, Black Tern, and Northern Mockingbird. (Contreras and Kindschy, OFO Publication #8)