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Burns-Izee Road (NF 47)

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This route spans the lower 23 miles of the Burns-Izee Road road from Hines to Emigrant Creek, northwest of Burns. The road is paved all the way.

To begin, travel south on Highway 20 through Hines past the old Hines Mill. Look for a sign to Yellowjacket Lake on the right, and the road that leads westward up into the hills (across from Hotchkiss Lane.) The route starts here (43.5466, -119.085). This is Malheur National Forest road 47, also called the Burns-Izee Road or Hines Logging Road.


Habitat and Birds

Take NF 47 out of Hines and stop frequently as it travels through different habitats. Many of the common juniper species like Gray Flycatcher and Ash-throated Flycatchers can be found in the first few miles of the road.

After 7 miles, NF-47 drops into a basin called Willow Flat. Look for Northern Flicker, Western Meadowlark, Vesper Sparrow, and Brewer’s Sparrow here. There are often Pronghorns here for a non-avian treat.

Continue on for another 15 miles. There are several ponds along this route and they can often host surprising waterfowl, such as Wood Ducks and goldeneyes, along with Bufflehead, Lesser Scaup, and Common Merganser.

At mile 23, Emigrant Creek Road branches off to the left. NF-47 crosses the creek itself just beyond the junction. Spend time here exploring the riparian habitat along the creek. Optionally, explore further by continuing west on Emigrant Creek Road.


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