Burnt Ridge Road/FSR 2308

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From central Gold Beach at Highway 101 and 8th Street, travel north 1.3 miles on Hwy 101 to the south end of the Rogue River Bridge. Turn right (east) here onto Jerry’s Flat Road toward Agness, Oregon. Jerry’s Flat Road turns into Agness Road/NF-33. Continue for 27.8 miles. At Agness, you will cross the Illinois River Bridge and pass Cougar Lane Lodge on the left. Just past Cougar Lane Lodge in 0.2 mile turn right (east) onto NF-2308/Burnt Ridge Road (unpaved, single lane). Follow NF-2308 for 9.5 miles (@37 minutes) to the junction with FS-2308.150. The junction is at a sharp left hairpin turn on NF-2308. The spur road FS-2308.150 is on the right. Begin serious birding at this point, following FS-2308.150 approximately 3 miles to the dead end. This route will take you into the famous Biscuit Fire of 2002 and access some high country. CHECK WEATHER CONDITIONS. WINTER TRAVEL MAY NOT BE ADVISED ON THIS ROAD.

Returning to NF-2308/Burnt Ridge Road you may backtrack to Agness or follow it a further 10.7 miles northeast to its junction with NF-23 (paved, single lane with turnouts) which also leads to Agness. This junction at the crest of the Coast Mountains is known as Bear Camp. Turn left (west) onto NF-23 and return to Agness in 17.4 miles (@42 minutes). NF-23 IS CLOSED NOV-JUN. CHECK WEATHER CONDITIONS.




Habitat and Birds

Mixed conifer forest intermingles with burned forest to provide a diverse habitat and many species of forest birds. Look for Sooty Grouse, Nashville Warbler, and Green-tailed Towhee. Higher up on 2308, look for Mountain Quail, Rufous and Allen’s Hummingbirds, flycatchers, Mountain Chickadee, Townsend’s Solitaire, and a very nice mix of other forest passerines.
