Cape Perpetua Scenic Area

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The park entrance is about 2.5 miles south of Yachats on Highway 101.   Most people think of Cape Perpetua (CP)as a sea watch and rocky shore location and the Captain Cook Trail is great for that.  But don’t  forget to go inland here and look for forest birds.  The CP Campground and the CP Giant Spruce Trail will often yield good birds as will the grounds around the Visitor’s Center.

Cape Perpetua Campground

Cape Perpetua Giant Spruce Trail

Cape Perpetua Visitor’s Center

Captain Cook Trail

Go to the Oregon Birding Trail Website. Click on the Central Coast tab and go to section 88. Cape Perpetua Scenic Area (OCBT 88)


Habitat and Birds

Rocky coast promontory with inland forest.  Looking toward the ocean, you should be able to find sea ducks, Black Oystercatchers, Black Turnstone, Surfbird, Common Murre, Pigeon Guillemot, maybe an Ancient Murrelet, gulls, loons, all 3 cormorants, and Brown Pelican. Looking in the forest, you might find Band-tailed Pigeon, Rufous and Anna’s Hummingbirds, Northern Pygmy-owl, Barred Owl, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Wrentit, both kinglets, Pacific Wren, Orange-crowned and Wilson’s Warbler, and Black-headed Grosbeak.
