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Cave Junction

Home » Birding Locations » Josephine County » Cave Junction Area




: Cave Junction is located 30 miles SW of Grants Pass on Hwy 199. Take I-5 exit 55 to 199 and travel west for 30 miles.


Habitat and Birds

Many of the same birds seen in Grants Pass can be found in Cave Junction, although Oak Titmouse and Gray Gnatcatcher tend to be much harder to come by, and some of the more forest-associated species such as Golden-crowned Kinglet and Red-breasted Nuthatch are easier to find. The water treatment plant (North side of town at the end of N. Sawyer Avenue off W. River Street just west of Hwy 199) has a good selection of birds, is a dependable site for many duck species, Virginia Rail, Black Phoebe, Marsh Wren and, in season, Common Yellowthroat. It has hosted such Josephine County rarities as Tufted Duck, Solitary Sandpiper, Red-Necked & Wilson’s Phalarope, Forster’s & Black Tern and Bank Swallow. Workers may let birders onto the grounds when the plant is open. Unfortunately, access to the treatment plant has been curtailed.  One can view some of the grounds & ponds (spotting scope recommended) from outside the gate.   Inquire re: access to the plant at the City Hall (222 Lister St.; 541-592-2156).


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