Chetco River Don Cameron Bridge

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From Brookings at Highway 101 and 5th St, travel south 0.8 miles on Hwy 101 to the intersection with North Bank Chetco River Road. Turn left onto North Bank Chetco River Road and continue for 4.4 miles where you will approach Don Cameron Bridge. Here is the confluence of the North Fork Chetco and Chetco Rivers. Park on the right (south) side of the road on the wide shoulder. You can access the river via a gravel road that leads to a water intake facility.




Habitat and Birds

This area has extensive riparian vegetation as well as mixed conifer forest. The river provides ample places for birds to rest or feed. Look for Snowy Egret (best spot in the county), Green Heron, Black-crowned Night-heron, Red-shouldered Hawk, Spotted Sandpiper, Common Nighthawk, Willow Flycatcher, Scrub Jay, vireos, warblers (including Yellow-breasted Chat), and orioles.
