Cline Falls State Park

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Travel west on Highway 126 from Redmond (about 2 miles past the last light). Just before you enter the canyon created by the Deschutes River, look for the sign to Cline Falls SP. Turn left into the park. The west side of the river can be accessed from Eagle Crest Resort off the Cline Falls Highway. You can drive or walk the loop around the park.  If you go early during migration, you can find plenty of migrating passerines. Watch for movement on the opposite bank. The vegetation is thick over there and will often have better birds.  Don’t bother going here after 9:00AM on a weekend or holiday.  The tourists come out in full force.


Habitat and Birds

The Deschutes River flows through an accessible riparian area surrounded by juniper woodland. This is another area that is good for migrants. Look for Osprey, Violet-green Swallow, Tree Swallow, N. Rough-winged Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Black-headed Grosbeak, American Dipper, Common Merganser, Western Wood-pewee, Canyon Wren, White-throated Swift and Pacific Wren.
