Columbia Slough Elrod Dr. Access

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From NE 33rd Dr, turn west onto Elrod Dr.  The road will make a sharp left turn and then end at a small parking area.  From there walk up onto the dike.  It is possible from there to walk north on the dike along the slough that is called Peninsula Drainage Canal.


Habitat and Birds

This spot is great in fall and winter for various ducks and geese, and recently has been especially good for Eurasian Wigeon in fall.  In summer it is good for Violet-green, Tree, Barn, Cliff and Northern Rough-winged Swallows.  Lazuli Bunting, Common Yellowthroat and Savannah Sparrow are among the birds that nest in the tall grasses along the slough..  Sometimes in fall the water level is low enough to provide habitat for shorebirds.
