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Cove and Vicinity

Home » Birding Locations » Union County » Cove Area




Cove is 15 miles east of La Grande on Hwy 237. From La Grande, take I-84 exit 261 to Hwy 82 east (this is Island Avenue). Travel 1.7 miles to Island City and go straight on Hwy 237. Travel another 13 miles to Cove. The town itself can offer some good birding, especially in winter. Follow 237 through town and it loops around to the west for a distance. There are several large ponds (including the Cove sewage ponds) on the west side of Cove along Hwy 237. Explore the farmland to the east of Cove. The Eagle Cap Wilderness is directly east of this region.


Habitat and Birds

Small towns like Cove can be attractive to migrants during spring and fall as well as winter birds who stop to feed on the ornamental trees in the town. White-winged Dove was found here in 2005 and again in 2008. Search the farmland around Cove for raptors and sparrows and be sure to visit the ponds west of town. There are several good birding sites around Cove (most are listed in this site guide) and you could easily make Cove a central hub for various excursions in the area.


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