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Elk Mountain and Crow Creek Roads

Home » Birding Locations » Wallowa County » Enterprise/joseph Area




Travel east out of Enterprise on Hwy 82. Go 2.6 miles and turn left (north) on Crow Creek Road. Go north for 1.2 miles to a “Y”. Bear left if you want Elk Mountain Road or go right if you want to stay on Crow Creek Road. Crow Creek winds through farmland before turning north into the hilly grasslands. You can take either road north for 27 miles if you want before they dissolves into branching forest service roads in the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. It’s not recommended that you go past the grasslands on either road in the winter. Elk Mountain Road is good for large flocks of Horned Larks which often contain Snow Buntings and, occasionally, Lapland Longspur. Check the farm houses for feeders that often produce Gray-crowned Rosy-finch and American Tree Sparrow.


Habitat and Birds

Check out the marshy area near Hwy 82 for winter birds like redpolls, sparrows (American Tree and Harris’s) and Gray Partridge. Look for these species all along this road. Further up the road keep your eyes peeled for Golden Eagle, Gray-crowned Rosy-finch and Snow Bunting. Check the Horned Lark flocks for the occasional longspur. Gyrfalcon has been recorded on this road in the past.


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