Emma Jones Nature Preserve
Home » Birding Locations » Washington County » Forest Grove/beaverton Area
See the Birding Washington County Blog for details on this access-restricted site.
From Cornell Road on the south side of the Hillsboro Airport, take 25th north for 0.7 miles. Turn left (west) on NE Griffin Oaks Street. Turn right (north) on 15th Street and drive 0.4 miles to a parking lot at Glencoe Park (also called Jones Farm Park). Find the small gate near the creek and walk the two-track road west.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
The two-track road is lined with poplars and willows and can hold good numbers of migrants in spring & fall, in particular Yellow Warbler. Continuing west along the track will get to an open area with several ponds holding lots of ducks in winter. Acorn Woodpecker and Belted Kingfisher can be found in this area. Hooded Merganser, Bufflehead, Cinnamon and Green-winged Teal, Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Duck, Gadwall and Mallard. Sora has been seen here and a pair of Bullock’s Orioles may have nested there in 2010. Bring rubber boots in winter as the track is often muddy or water logged.
Nearby Birding Locations
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- Valley Memorial Park and Cemetery
- Henry Hagg Lake Park (Scoggins Valley Park)
- Jacobson and Croeni Ponds
- Rood Bridge Park
- Shadywood City Park
- Tualatin Hills Nature Park