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Cape Arago/Simpson Reef

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From North Bend, follow the signs to ocean beaches via Virginia Street. At the intersection of Virginia and Broadway St., turn left on Broadway. Follow Broadway until it reaches a commercial area (McDonald’s, Sizzler etc.). Get in the right lane and turn right on Newmark Ave. (also called the Cape Arago Hwy). Stay on this road for 1.8 miles and the road will take a 90 degree turn to the left. 1) A short detour straight ahead on Newmark (43.393823, -124.279354) and down the hill to the docks can give you good views of resting birds. Continue back on the Cape Arago Hwy and travel south. 2) At 0.6 miles south of the junction of Empire and Newmark, you will see the sewage treatment facility (Across from Fulton Ave. 43.38552, -124.28253). 3) Back on the Cape Arago Hwy travel south for another 1.3 miles and look for a pull-off on the right (directly across from the dome-shaped house on Hedge Lane 43.368156, -124.295253). 4) Proceed on the Cape Arago Hwy another .9 miles and park near a cement building about .1 miles past the Dairy Queen (this area is called Fossil Point 43.358187, -124.308618).


Habitat and Birds

Large flocks of Gulls, shorebirds, Grebes, and sea ducks, can be found in the bay and around the docks.  Some species to watch for include Clark’s Grebe, Brant, Harlequin Duck, and Eurasian Wigeon. This is where a Brown Booby stayed in the winter of 09-10.


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