Enterprise Fish Hatchery and Enterprise WMA
Home » Birding Locations » Wallowa County » Enterprise/joseph Area
About a mile west of Enterprise on Hwy 82, take Fish Hatchery Road south for about 0.5 miles (past a large pond that sports viewing pullouts and a trail). The road curves to the left. Look for the fish hatchery after the curve.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
Look for a large pond on the western border of this area. It has produced some of the more unusual waterfowl sightings for the area, including Blue-winged Teal. Check the marshy areas for Marsh Wren, Sora, Virginia Rail and Common Yellowthroat. White-faced Ibis, American Redstarts, and Gray Catbirds have been seen here before. Check the large cottonwoods for Western Screech-Owl and seasonal migrants. The brushy areas are good for sparrows and often contain surprising numbers of Ring-necked Pheasants.