Evergreen Mitigation Bank

Home » Birding Locations » Benton County » Corvallis Area

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Jackson-Frazier Wetlands

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Philomath Sewage Ponds

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From downtown Corvallis, follow US Hwy 20 south and west for 2.9 miles to the intersection with SW 53rd Street. Turn left and follow SW 53rd Street south for 0.9 mile, then turn right onto SW Plymouth Drive and follow that west for 1.2 miles to the intersection with Bellfountain Road. Turn left and travel south on Bellfountain Rd for 2.3 miles to the site. Park in one of the three turnouts on the west side of the road. Alternatively, from Philomath, follow S 13th Street south for 0.5 mile to the intersection with Chapel Drive. Turn left and follow Chapel Drive east for 1.7 miles, then turn right onto Bellfountain Road and follow that south for 2.1 miles to the site.


Habitat and Birds

This site is a private wetland restoration project of 174 acres, which is set up to compensate for development projects that impacted wetlands elsewhere in the valley. The property is owned by Oregon Wetlands LLC, and is managed by The Wetlands Conservancy. Evergreen Creek flows through the site, and its channels have been reopened to encourage natural floodplain processes. Native plant communities are being supported at the site, and Oregon Ash stands are found along the creek. The area is closed to all entry except for annual tours that are offered through contacts with the birding community. But birders are welcome to view the wetlands from any of the three pullouts on the west side of Bellfountain Road. By late spring, the grasses have grown high enough that sight lines into the wetlands may be limited.

Among the species that nest at the site are Western Meadowlark, Streaked Horned Lark, American Bittern, Wilson’s Phalarope, and Western Bluebird. A number of duck and other water bird species use the site through the winter, including Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, Mallard, Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal, and American Coot. Shorebirds migrate through in the spring, including Killdeer, Least Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitcher, and Greater Yellowlegs. In the spring and summer, Marsh Wren, Song Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, and Common Yellowthroat can be heard in the grasses and low vegetation, and the songs of Black-capped Chickadee, Bewick’s Wren, and other birds can be heard from the trees. All five swallows have been reported here in late spring.

Evergreen Wetland Mitigation Bank Long Term Management Plan (includes two maps to the area)


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