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Ferguson Ridge Ski Area

Home » Birding Locations » Wallowa County » Imnaha Area




Drive east 5.4 miles from Joseph, on Hwy 350. Turn right on Tucker Down Road (County Road 633). Drive south for approximately 3.6 miles and look for the sign to the ski resort. When you first turn onto the entrance road, there is a large parking area. Sometimes the birding is best here (especially during ski season) because you don’t have to fight the ski resort noise. You can drive all the way into the resort and search for birds.


Habitat and Birds

Mixed conifers and wide open spaces. This is a decent location for finding the big three most wanted birds (White-winged Crossbill, Pine Grosbeak, Spruce Grouse). That’s not all you can see here though. Look for Snow Buntings and Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches on the way up to the trail (Tucker Down Rd.). Dusky and Ruffed Grouse are here along with the Spruce Grouse and you have a decent chance of seeing all three. Keep an eye out for Great Gray Owl in the open areas. Cassin’s Finches and Red Crossbills are here along with Gray Jay, Black-backed Woodpecker and American Threetoed Woodpecker. If you will be visiting the Joseph area, this is a must see location. Be careful of snow levels in winter.


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