Fishermen’s Bend

Home » Birding Locations » Marion County » Hwy 20 To The Cascades

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As of September, 2022 much of this site is still closed because of damage from the 2020 wildfires. Most of the trees are gone, but there is still a good deal of potentially productive habitat here. Check the Fishermen’s Bend website for current status. North Santiam Park, 2 miles west on SR 22 is open at this time, has similar habitat, and does not appear to have been affected by the fires.


Situated in forest along the North Santiam river, Fisherman’s Bend is open from mid-May to mid-October. In other seasons the gate is closed, but the area is accessible on foot. There is a pullout about a half mile west of the gate from which you may scan the river.

Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website. Choose the Cascades Birding Trail. Click on the Trail Guide and choose the Mt. Jefferson Loop Guide. Section 40.


Habitat and Birds

In spring this as a good place to look for Band-tailed Pigeon, warblers, Seainson’s Thrush and others. Harlequin Duck, Wood Duck, Common and Hooded Merganser and American Dipper can be found on the rocks or in the river, and over 100 species have been recorded here.
