Fivemile Road

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Dean Creek

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Dawson and Stowe Marsh Restoration Area/Smith River Road

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Tahkenitch Dunes/Threemile Lake Trails

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Winchester Bay

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Umpqua R. Between Reedsport and Elkton

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Reedsport Duck Pond

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Reedsport Dump and Scholfield Road

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Matt's Flats

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Coast Range NF 41

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Location, Habitat, and Birds: Located about 4.8 miles north of the junction of Highways 101 and 38 in Reedsport and 16.5 miles south of Florence is this gravel logging road that allows access to some of the coast range. Watch for log trucks.


Habitat and Birds

Most of the road passes through young successional forest that can reveal some good coastal mountain species. Look and listen for Saw-whet and Pygmy Owls. Mountain Quail are here along with some Ruffed and Sooty Grouse at higher levels. Water and marsh birds, wrentit, olive-sided flycatcher, chickadees, and sparrows can be found here as well. Large concentration of ring-necked ducks. Don’t miss the marshy areas on the east side of Tahkenitch Lake. These are some of the best marshes in Douglas County.
