Fopiano Reservoir

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Parish Creek Road

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Richmond Sixshooter Road

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Bridge Creek Road

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Gable Creek Road

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Waterman Road

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Waterman Road

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Mitchell (Town)

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John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Painted Hills Unit

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OSU Geology Field Station

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Dollarhide Pond

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Meyers Canyon

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Painted Cove Trail - Painted Hills Unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument

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John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Painted Hills Picnic Area

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Painted Cove (No public access)

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Fopiano is 5 miles north of Hwy 26 on Waterman Road. Pull off on the side of the road. A scope is recommended.


Habitat and Birds

Tundra Swan and Barrow’s Goldeneye have been seen here. Many species of duck have been found here along with Double-crested Cormorant. Sora, Virginia Rail, Wilson’s Phalarope, shorebirds, Loggerhead Shrike, and Yellow-headed Blackbirds are just a few of the possible species you might see. Look for both Golden and Bald Eagles.
