Galesville Reservoir

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Ben Irving Reservoir (Berry Creek Reservoir)

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Myrtle Creek (Driving Route)

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Cow Creek Loop (Driving Route about 41 miles)

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From I-5 take exit 88 (CR 36) east. At .1 mile there is a pond and blackberry patch just off CR 36 on Creek Road that should be checked out. Tiny Longfibre County Park is at 4.2 miles on CR36. At 7.3 miles you reach the dam and the first overlook. The road follows the lake for 3.5 miles. The small boat landing is the last public access point. There are numerous pull-outs and a campground and picnic area along the way


Habitat and Birds

This is a large reservoir with many snags. Best time is spring and early summer. Water levels are lowered in winter providing some shorebird habitat. The surrounding area has mixed multi-aged hardwood/conifer forest. Several roads in the area access the low and mid elevations on BLM and Forest Service lands.

Rock Wren has occurred several times during spring, near the rock pit by the dam. Wrentit, Nashville Warbler, Anna’s Hummingbird, and Black-throated Gray Warbler reside in the drier areas. All of the swallow species and Purple Martin are around in early summer. Double-crested Cormorants and Osprey are regulars here. The forest roads provide a good selection of passerines and woodpeckers.
