Green Ridge

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Take Hgwy. 20 west of Sisters 6 miles (one mile east of Black Butte Ranch) to FR 11 (Look for signs that say “Indian Ford Campground) Go north on FR 11 for 10 miles to end of pavement. At the end of pavement stay left on FR 1150 for 7 miles. Follow signs to Green Ridge Lookout. Turn left on FR 1154.Go for 1 mile to FR 1140 jct. Go left on FR 1140 for approx 0.25 miles to the 600 road jct. (it’s the first jct. you come to). Go right on the 600 Rd. for approx. 1.0 miles. There will be a parking area on both sides of the road in an old clear-cut. If you get to the end of this road, you have gone too far. The trail to the site starts at the parking area and heads north for 0.25 miles. It is well marked with blue ribbon. When the ribbon stops, you are there. To explore more of this ridge, purchase a Deschutes Nat. Forest Map from any Forest Service Office.


Habitat and Birds

Upland forest of pines, cedar and fir. During the fall migration (September and October), large numbers of raptors migrate over from rival Bonny Butte to the north. ECBA monitors this migration each year. The surrounding forest holds Hermit Thrush, Thick-billed Fox Sparrow, Pygmy-owls, woodpeckers, Warblers (Hermit, Nashville and Townsend’s), flycatchers and Sooty Grouse.

Unusual species seen here include Three-toed Woodpecker, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Black Swift, Pacific and Common Loon (flyovers), Band-tailed Pigeon, Chestnut- backed Chickadee, Mt. Quail, Broad-winged Hawk, Parasitic Jaeger, and Red- shouldered Hawk.

ECBA Green Ridge Hawkwatch Information
