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Independent Mine and Lookout Mountain Trail

Home » Birding Locations » Crook County » East Of Prineville




From Prineville, go 23 miles east to Ochoco Ranger Station (see above), from Ochoco Ranger Station, take FR 42 east 6.5 miles to the mine entrance. Watch for the sign on your right. Turn onto the dirt road that accesses the mine. This road is closed in winter. The mine is an old cinnabar mine and the road is blocked to the mine itself. A 0.25-mile hike to the mine can be productive and there is a short trail that runs out and back east of the mine. Continue birding past the mine on the road and you will come to the Lookout Mountain Trailhead. This 4-mile trail leads to the highest parts of the Ochocos and has produced Pine Grosbeaks (only once), Dusky Grouse, and Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (look for snow fields).



Habitat and Birds

Many forest birds are common here. Lincoln’s Sparrows and Macgillivray’s Warblers nest here as do Warbling Vireos. Woodpeckers and finches can be found. Pileated Woodpecker and Ruffed Grouse are often heard at the junction of road 42 and the Independent Mine Road.  Northern Saw-whet Owls and Flammulated Owls have been heard from this location.


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