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Jarboe Meadow

Home » Birding Locations » Union County » Elgin/imbler Area




Only consider coming to this location after you have obtained a Umatilla NF map. Typically, the roads are passable after the 20th of May in low snow winters. Heavy winter snows can block these roads well into mid-June so use common sense and visit with Forest Service personnel in Pendleton, Walla Walla, or stop at the Tollgate Store and ask. To get here from Tollgate take FSRD 64 off SR 204 and head for Jubilee Lake. Travel 1.9 miles beyond the Jubilee Lake turn off until you come to a fork in the road. FSRD 64 will hook off to the left (north). Then proceed ahead onto FSRD 6413. This becomes a single lane road that will require all of your attention as there may be rocks in the road (or elk). It is this road that will determine if you made a wise choice on your visiting date. This is the last place to hang onto its snow drifts in this forest. Follow FSRD 6413 until you arrive at Jarboe Meadow (about 7.7 miles from Jubilee Lake).


Habitat and Birds

This huge wet meadow is outstanding between late May through early Sept.  In May the meadow is very wet and hosts large numbers of birds (and some mosquitoes by mid June). The spring and summer birds of this area are Lincoln’s Sparrow, Western Tanager, Virginia Rail, Wood Duck, Northern Goshawk, Golden Eagle, Dusky Grouse, Pileated Woodpecker, Great Gray Owl, Northern Pygmy-Owl and Calliope Hummingbird to name a few.


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