
Home » Birding Locations » Josephine County » Cave Junction Area

Cave Junction

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Located just a mile north of Cave Junction on Hwy 199, this little berg can offer some good birds. This area is bordered by the Illinois River to the west so birds using the river often spill into this community. A large brushy area along the river can be accessed from the west end of 6th street, and is very birdy. A one mile trip west on Finch Rd. is also worthwhile, as the fields, drainage ditches, and wooded edges on the other side of the Illinois River tend to be very birdy. And don’t miss the agricultural fields of Sauer’s Flat, just north of town on Hwy 199.


Habitat and Birds

A Tufted Duck was once seen here but more common species might include Common Merganser, Osprey, Northern Harrier, White-tailed Kite, Band-tailed Pigeon, Acorn Woodpecker, Hutton’s Vireo, Wrentit, California Towhee, and Lark Sparrow.
