Krumbo Reservoir

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Krumbo Reservoir is situated at the eastern edge of the Malheur Refuge in the Krumbo Creek Valley. Turn off Oregon highway 205 at the Krumbo Reservoir turnoff, which is 8 miles south from Buena Vista, or 11 miles north from Frenchglen. The reservoir itself is 4 miles down the access road, but plan to stop along the way for good birding.


Habitat and Birds

The first stop along Krumbo Reservoir access road is at mile 0.6 Stop here to view the large marsh across the valley to the north. A scope is very helpful here.

A little farther down at mile 1.6 is a very productive pond that is often packed with water birds.

Next at mile 3, is a small pond that is choked with cattails. Check this location for anything unusual (a Common Moorhen once).

At mile 3.8 one finally reaches Krumbo Reservoir. This first parking area overlooks the dam and the deepest part of the lake. Scan the lake from here.

The road ends 0.3 miles farther along at a second parking area with a boat ramp for non motorized boats. View parts of the reservoir not viewable from the west side.
