Lone Rock

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Buttermilk Canyon

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Dyer State Wayside

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Lost Valley Rd.

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Condon Sewage Ponds

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Trail Fork Rd.

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Wehrli Canyon Lane

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Carter Hill/Ramsey Canyon Rds.

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Lonerock is 21.0 miles SE of Condon.  Take Hwy 206 east out of Condon for 4.7 miles.  Turn right on Lonerock Road and drive 15.7 miles to the town.


Habitat and Birds

Dry, rolling hills of sage, canyons, and grasslands.  Some juniper.  Make sure you watch for Chukar and Gray Partridge early in the morning.  Horned Larks line the fences almost the whole length of Lonerock Road.  Horned Lark flocks may contain a few Snow Buntings or Lapland Longspur in winter.  There is a canyon just as you drop into Lonerock and it is worth a good amount of time in the spring and summer.  Spring brings migrants to the sage and summer is highlighted by the dazzling number of Lazuli Buntings on that hillside.  Green-tailed Towhee and Spotted Towhee are abundant and Black-headed Grosbeak should be present.  The town itself is small  but lively and can be covered in a short amount of time.  Western Wood-pewee sing throughout the summer and a mix of summer swallows and Common Nighthawks feed above you.  Hummingbirds in town include Black-chinned, Rufous and Anna’s.  Bullock’s Orioles, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, and Yellow-breasted Chat hang out by the creek. There are many hummingbird feeders in town and Mountain/Western Bluebirds have nested here. The creek that runs through town can be very productive but is surrounded by private land.  PLEASE STAY ON THE ROAD and don’t violate property rules.  The local population is pretty friendly. If you continue south about a mile or so there is a small valley where the creek also runs through and can be productive. The road basically dead ends here.


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