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Nehalem Bay Sewage Ponds

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Nehalem Bay State Park

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Nehalem Meadows

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The coastal community of Manzanita (45.718547, -123.935960) is located along Highway 101 about 28 miles north of Tillamook.

To reach Manzanita from the intersection of Highway 101 and 1st St. in Tillamook, travel north on Highway 101 for 28.2 miles to Laneda Ave. on the left. Turn left (west) to Manzanita town center.

Manzanita Beach (45.720544, -123.941025) is reached by continuing westerly along Laneda Ave. to Ocean Road. Parking is available along the west side of Ocean Rd.

Doris Hassler Davis Memorial Pond and Wetland (45.726919, -123.941209) is owned by the Wetlands Conservancy. It is found about 0.5 mile north on Ocean Road at the intersection with Nehalem Road, on the right (east).

Alder Creek Farm (45.715828, -123.904643) is owned by the Lower Nehalem Land Trust. A portion of the land is a wildlife sanctuary. To reach the farm from the Doris Hassler Davis Memorial Pond (described above), travel (eastbound) on Nehalem Road for 0.7 miles to Highway 101. Turn right (southbound) on Highway 101. Travel 1.5 miles to Underwood Lane. Turn right and continue 0.2 miles to the farm parking area.

Alder Creek Farm – Oregon Birding Trail: Choose the Oregon Coast Birding Trail, click on the North Coast tab and go to section 25.



Habitat and Birds

The town of Manzanita is birded mainly by walking residential neighborhood habitats and visiting local parks.

The open beach habitat at Manzanita Beach can be accessed from several locations in town along Ocean Blvd.

Doris Hassler Davis Memorial Pond and Wetland offers coastal wetland habitat with a seasonal pond.

Alder Creek Farm manages a portion of its land as a wildlife sanctuary. Bird the trails through open pastureland, with a pond, and riparian habitats. Birders are welcome at the farm.

The northern shoreline habitat of Nehalem Bay can be viewed from the southern ends of Tohl Road and Neptune Road.

eBird Checklists:

eBird Hotspot checklist for Manzanita

ebird Hotspot checklist Manzanita Beach

eBird Hotspot checklist for Doris Hassler Davis Memorial Pond and Wetland

eBird Hotspot checklist for Alder Creek Farm



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