Mary S. Young City Park

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From I-205, take Exit 8 and head north on Hwy 43 (Willamette Drive) for 1.9 miles. Turn right on the signed entrance road. Or follow Hwy 43 south through Lake Oswego for approximately 3.7 miles and turn left on the entrance road.

Mary S Young Park Website


Habitat and Birds

Formerly a state park, now administered by the City of West Linn, this popular park features dog off-leash and playing fields in open areas, as well as an over 5-mile network of trails through mixed forest, including access to the Willamette River. Birding can be good all year, although expect some mud on trails after rains and all winter, and be aware you will likely being sharing trails with joggers and walkers. Swainson’s Thrushes, Wilson’s, Orange-crowned Yellow (along the river) and Black-throated Gray Warblers, Pacific-slope Flycatchers, Brown Creeper and chickadees, woodpeckers including Pileated, Purple and House Finches, both goldfinches, and Barred Owl and Cooper’s Hawk are among the breeding birds here.
